Ben CooperI have been an avid gamer for my entire life and over the last four years have developed a passion for creating games. I enjoy designing, concepting and polishing game and dive head first into any project I undertake.Read more
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Train2Game News Game to help cope with ADHD
The holy grail of educational gaming is to make a game that educates yet also is as fun as an entertainment game. AdapTac Games believes they have achieved the holy grail of educational gaming with their Intergalactic Aetherial Hurtle: ADHD Skills Booster Game. This action/strategy single player racing game iPad... -
Train2Game News Wearable Technology Conference
Intel’s chief futurist and strategist, Steve Power Brown, and Dave Evans, innovation guru for Cisco, will deliver the daily keynote addresses at the first ever Wearable Technology Conference & Expo, which takes place from 18-19 March at Olympia in London. With more than 100 expert speakers, 30 exhibitors and a... -
Train2Game News Watch Dogs release date announced
Today, Ubisoft revealed that its highly anticipated open world action-adventure game, Watch Dogs, will be released worldwide on May 27, 2014. In Watch Dogs, players assume the role of Aiden Pearce, a new type of vigilante hero who, with the help of his smartphone, will use his ability to hack...